New video-poems on the theme of : Hauntology
: Event #34

With new video-poems and online commissions by Sara Upstone, Anna Johnson, Meg Jensen and Agnieszka Studzinska

#WRITERSKINGSTONONLINE is a series of themed video-poem commissions we’ve curated in lieu of live events during winter 2020 / 2021. The first film-poems on the theme are premiered live on youtube as a group, and then further works are added to the theme as time goes by - creating a retrospective ‘event’ on our website.

Originally to take place at The Everyday Auditorium in Kington as a live event with a host of speakers, instead our exploration of Hauntology presents brand new video-poem commissions, premiered and released on youtube on December 10th 2020.

Lost futures, temporal disjunction, the persistence of the past, all upon us like ghosts - Hauntology explores not just the ideas of being haunted, and the spectres that we evoke to do this, but that which they bring with them from our personal and cultural memory.

This event is part of Kingston University’s Writing Cultures research strand, designed to meld practice and research, expressing commitment to the creativity that opens up in the spaces between these definitions.