Writers Kingston event #54 - Japanese UK Poetry Exchange!
September 19th : 7pm : Free - Kingston University Town House
This event was rescheduled with performances taking place in London and Norwich https://www.theenemiesproject.com/londonjapan
With new collaborative readings and performances by : SJ Fowler and Fukudapero / Colin Herd and Kyoko Yoshida / Bob Tsukada Bright and Patrick Cosgrove / Stathis Dimitriadis and Yanita Georgieva / Lisa Blackwell and Shina Nagai / Victoria Kaye and Simon Tyrrell / Eugene Kim and Marcia Knight Latter / Chris Kerr and Nina Fidry
A remarkable international poetry project, featuring new collaborations made by Japanese and British poets across the globe, performed at six special Camarade events taking place across the UK and Japan. Centred around the creative and curatorial work of Fukudapero, Kyoko Yoshida, Colin Herd and Steven J Fowler, JUPE will see events in Norwich, London, Glasgow, Kingston upon Thames, Kyoto and Tokyo across autumn 2022 and early 2023. Each events will feature the four primary collaborator protagonist poets as well as local poets invited to contribute new duets, made for the night, too. A literary project that aims to break new ground, emphasising the possibilities of poetry and performance over and alongside translation, and to forge new bonds between two nations, exploring what is possible for modern poets working across languages, styles, cultures.
Supported by The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, Daiwa Foundation, National Centre for Writing, Writers Kingston at Kingston University and Glasgow University.