Kingston University Press : Popogrou Collective Anthology Launch
October Thursday 17th 2024 - 7pm start. Free Entry.
Kingston University Town House : Courtyard Space

Penrhyn Rd, Kingston upon Thames KT1 2EQ.
(The Courtyard space is located in the Town House building, beneath the main library, behind the main reception desk)

The Popogrou Collective is a group of poets, based in the UK and across the world, whose work celebrates innovation and playfulness in poetry and literature, through all understandings of what that medium is - from the textual, visual, performative and collaborative. Featuring multiple Kingston University alumni, this event celebrates the launch of the first Popogrou anthology, which brings samples together from 19 of it’s members and is published by Kingston University’s own press. For this special event, 14 of those poets in the book will share short solo performances and readings. Featuring the anthologies editor Simon Tyrrell alongside Lori Wike, Vicki Kaye, Bob T Bright, Lucy Furlong, Martin Wakefield, Patrick Cosgrove, Laura Davis, Susie Campbell, Stephen Sunderland, Cameron Wade, Lisa Blackwell, SJ Fowler

This anthology showcases innovative poetry practice at the growing edge of contemporary literature. It gathers language art, textual and visual poetry from nineteen active members of Popogrou – a worldwide collective emerging from writer and artist SJ Fowler’s online Potential Poetries workshop programme, established during the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown. As we welcome all concepts of poetry and methods of making it, the variety of work reflects the expansive ideas of poetry and literature enabled and explored by the collective. Generous, inclusive, unconventional and celebratory, it is a volume that honours the fellowship of a distinctively creative and productive collective of writers and artists, whose encouragement, support and insight continues to contribute to the evolution of everyone’s personal and collaborative practice.”